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Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

Medical location Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan | 4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


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Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan



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4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

Jalal-Abad State University was founded in 1993 and is a public institution designed to provide higher education in medicine. MBBS in Kyrgyzstan

Rectorate, management is located on the main campus of Jalal-Abad. The Faculty of Engineering is located in the Kara-Kul. Karakul City is located along the Bishkek-Osh highway at a distance of 395 km from Bishkek and 176 km from Jalal-Abad. Faculty of Technology is located in the town of Tash-Kumar. This city is also located along the Bishkek-Osh highway at a distance of 460 km from Bishkek and 112 km from Jalal-Abad. Electrical Engineering College is located in the town of. Marylou-Suu. The city is located in the western foothills of the Ferghana Range, on the banks of the same river (a tributary of the Kara-Darya). The city has the largest in Central Asia Electric Works. The distance from Jalal-Abad to Maili-Suu is exactly 92 km. Technical College is located in the urban settlement of Kochkor-Ata, along with the highway Bishkek - Osh, a distance of 517 km from Bishkek and 54 km from Jalal-Abad. In perspective Jalalabad State University is one of the largest research and training centers of the Kyrgyz Republic, providing training in Bachelor of technology, a Bachelor of Science, Engineering, and a Master of Science, as well as academic degrees. The city was founded in the 80s of the last century. Currently, the city is the third-largest city of the Kyrgyz Republic. Distance from the capital Bishkek by road is 571 km.  

Jalal-Abad is the political, economic, and cultural center of the Jalalabad region.  

The city has the administrative institutions of the region and the city and concentrated industries electrochemical industry, the company repairs and maintenance of agricultural machinery, agricultural products processing, food industry, and construction sector, banks, stadiums, cinemas, and theatres. Products are exported to industrial enterprises not only in CIS but also to Europe and Asia.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

MBBS (6 Yrs.)

USD 5500

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Admission Details of Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

MBBS Course from Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad


Ministry of Kyrgyz Republic

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Fees Structure

Year/SemesterTuition Fees (Payable Semester-wise)Total First Semester PackageHostel Fee (Semester-wise from 2nd Year)Visa ExtensionAirport Transfer Assistance & Miscellaneous
1st SEMUSD 2100 / INR 1,59,600USD 4200 / INR 3,19,200NILUSD 100USD 5500 / INR 4,18,000
2nd SEMUSD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 600 / INR 45,600USD 200USD 2200 / INR 1,67,200
2nd YearUSD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 600 / INR 45,600USD 200USD 5000 / INR 3,80,000
3rd YearUSD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 600 / INR 45,600USD 200USD 5000 / INR 3,80,000
4th YearUSD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 600 / INR 45,600USD 200USD 5000 / INR 3,80,000
5th YearUSD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 4200 / INR 3,19,200USD 600 / INR 45,600USD 200USD 5000 / INR 3,80,000

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Jalal-Abad**.

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Facilites of Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

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Eligibility Criteria of Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

Eligibility To Study MBBS In Jalal-Abad State University
Students have to set in the following eligibility criteria to get admission in MBBS:

  • The candidates must be a minimum age of 17 years old before 31st December of their admission year.
  • All applicants must pass the 10+2 standard with at least a 50% aggregate score in subjects of biology, physics, and chemistry from a recognized board.
  • Candidates must have a NEET clearance scorecard to confirm an MBBS seat at JSMU.
  • Applicants must carry a valid passport copy


Video of Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Jalal-Abad State Medical University (JSMU) has established partnerships with various medical universities and hospitals worldwide. These collaborations offer opportunities for student exchange programs, internships, and research projects, allowing students to gain international experience and exposure in their field of study.

International students at JSMU are typically allowed to work part-time during their studies, but the university recommends that students prioritize their studies due to the demanding nature of the medical program. It's important to verify any legal restrictions or requirements for working as a foreign student with the local authorities

Yes, applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English or Russian, depending on the course they plan to undertake. English proficiency can be demonstrated through tests like IELTS, TOEFL, or by providing proof of previous education in English-medium institutions. Russian language skills may also be beneficial for better communication with local patients during clinical practice

Graduates from Jalal-Abad State Medical University (JSMU) are eligible to work as doctors in various countries, including India, after clearing the required licensing exams (such as FMGE in India). JSMU's medical program is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other medical councils, ensuring global career opportunities for graduates.

The fee structure for international students at JSMU is relatively affordable compared to other universities globally. Tuition fees vary depending on the program of study, but overall, JSMU is known for offering high-quality education at a lower cost. Students are encouraged to check the university’s official website or contact the admissions office for the most accurate and up-to-date fee information.

The undergraduate medical program (MBBS) at Jalal-Abad State Medical University (JSMU) typically lasts for 6 years, including both theoretical and practical training. The course includes pre-clinical and clinical phases, followed by an internship year for hands-on experience in medical settings.

JSMU offers a limited number of scholarships for international students, especially for those who demonstrate excellent academic performance. Students can inquire with the university’s admissions office for detailed information on scholarship opportunities, eligibility criteria, and the application process.

University also runs an affiliated Hospital and there are many other government and private hospitals, where the students practice regularly at these places.

University provides 100% free coaching for NMC via Indian faculty, and leading faculties from Delhi are also invited on regular basis for the Indian students.

Jalalabad State Medical University has 5 Indian faculties along with a gross enrollment of 4,300 Indian students at the campus.


Location of Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad


Student Reviews for Jalal-Abad State University (JaSU) Jalal-Abad

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2 Reviews









Imraan Khan star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 25th July 2022

Recognized Universities

The university received universal accreditation from several top-medical bodies such as the WHO, NMC, PLAB, USMLE, etc.

Zeba Hashmi star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 25th July 2022

Top-notch facilities

Top-notch medical techs and highly advanced equipment at disposal and for practical orientations.

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