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Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

Medical location Mymensingh, Bangladesh | 4.5 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


Type of College





Mymensingh, Bangladesh


University of Dhaka

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4.5 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) is among the oldest private Medical College in Bangladesh. The Community Health Foundation Bangladesh was established at Mymensingh in the year of 1994 by thirty eminent philanthropic persons of different professions and positions under the leadership of late professor Dr. AIM Mafakhkharul Islam. He very often used to quote, “A journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step" 

The Community Based Medical College Bangladesh (CBMCB) is an academic enterprise of the Community Health Foundation (CHFB). To contribute modestly within the parameter of Health and Science the overall national efforts in achieving a meaningful, Self-sustain quality of life and environment. 

Community Based Medical College Bangladesh is located at Winnerpar, 10km. ahead of Mymensingh town adjacent to Dhaka-Mymensingh highway Road. By road from Dhaka and Mymensingh town by easily available public transport.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

MBBS (6 Yrs.)

USD 48000/-

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Admission Details of Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

MBBS Course from Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh


University of Dhaka

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4.5 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Fees Structure

Total financial involvement for 5 years course is furnished below for your information:

1. Admission Fee (known as Development Fee)US$ 24,000

2. Tuition Fees: (60 months)

Till passing 1st Prof. Examination ( 18 months) @ 260 US Dollar per month

For the next academic period (42 months) @ 290 US Dollar per month


US$ 4,680

US$ 12,180

3. Hostel Establishment FeeUS$ 940
4. Session Fee (Three)US$ 2,100

5. Other Incidental Fees

(Marks Verification fee. BMDC Registration fee, Dhaka University Affiliation fee. Local Examination Fee. Charge for Applied Clinical & Field Training, Library Charge etc.)

US$ 4,100
Total PayableUS$ 48,000

(Forty Eight Thousand US Dollar only)


***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Mymensingh Division**.

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Facilites of Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel

Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities








Eligibility Criteria of Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

Eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course 2023-24:

  • Must have passed Qualifying examination (HSC/'A') or equivalent examination.
  • SSC/'O' level or equivalent examination must be passed in 3 years of HSC/'A' level or equivalent.
  • HSC/ 'A' or equivalent examination be passed in 2023/ 2022.
  • Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 8 GPA
  • Minimum GPA in SSC/ 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 3GPA
  • Minimum GPA in Biology: 3.5 
  • For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SC/ 'O' level or equivalent exam, only the top 5
    subjects are considered. Therefore, GPA in "O' levcl= (total marks obtained in top five subjectsy5.
    The optional subject shall be considered if the GPA is below 5 (five)
    For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/'A' level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects
    (Physics. Chemistry and Biology) are considered for the calculation of GPA. Qualifying Grade in each subject
    individually is 'C'. Therefore, GPA in 'A' level = (total marks obtained in three subjects)/3.


You have to undertake the following steps if you decide to get admitted into Community Based Medical College.

  • Get the photocopies of the following documents attested from your country's foreign ministry.
    i. School/College graduation certificates
    ii. Mark/grade sheet
    iii. School leaving certificate (Testimonial)
    iv. Copy of Passport
    v. Two passport-size photographs of the applicant.
  • Download the MBBS admission form’ from the website of the Bangladesh Foreign Ministry(www. and fill it up. You must mention your medical college of choice.
  • Pay $70 (Subject to change) in any bank in your country in favor of DGHS and get the receipt.
  • Deposit your attested documents, bank receipt, and filled admission form to the Bangladesh Embassy of your country for processing of Grade Equivalency and permission from the Government of Bangladesh. You can do this job by yourself or by an agent.
  • Send copies of your certificates, mark sheets, passport, and a letter of intent to the Community-Based Medical College Authorized representative (Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: +918499000022) for booking of your seat.
  • Having received the permission letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the grade equivalency of your certificates, the CareerMarg office will inform you and proceed with your admission.

All selected candidates must apply through the Embassy of Bangladesh to obtain an equivalence certificate for confirmation of admission.


Video of Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

The MBBS program at CBMCB spans 5 years, followed by a compulsory one-year internship.

The medium of instruction at CBMCB is English, which benefits international students by eliminating language barriers.

Yes, CBMCB provides excellent hostel facilities for both female and foreign students. The hostels are well-equipped, and necessary measures are taken to ensure the safety and security of all residents.

Applicants need to fill out the application form and attach all required documents, including scanned copies of their high school diplomas and other relevant certificates. Selected students will receive an offer letter from the college, after which they must pay the tuition fee for the MBBS program. Subsequently, students should apply for a student visa to Bangladesh.

CareerMarg has Experienced Counsellor who are available 24x7 to guide you and make you get the best colleges in the world. You can talk to us anytime and we are always ready to help you. If you have any queries regarding anything, you can contact us and our customer service executives will be happy to help you and provide you with information.

Candidate should be Just Qualified.

From Dhaka International Airport to Community Based Medical College 2:30 Hr, 98 KM.

  • 7GPA marks are required in the 10th & 12th. Note: 10th 60% Marks Year of Passing (2018/19)
  • 12th (Biology: 60 Marks, Physics: 50 Marks, Chemistry: 50 Marks, Year of Passing: 2020/21)

Yes. Community Based Medical College is approved by NMC/MCI.

The fee structure of Community Based Medical College is 45600$/-  including hostel.Food charge is extra.


Location of Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh


Student Reviews for Community Based Medical College (CBMCB) Mymensingh

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4 Reviews









Chandni Bharti star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 13th July 2022

Effective Studyplace

Best College for Knowledge & Learning

Satish Rathore star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 8th July 2022

Cooperative faculty

The teachers are very helpful and supportive of the students

Vivek star_review 5.0
Reviewed on – 11th May 2022

Good college

Good college

Jitendra Kumar Gond star_review 5.0
Reviewed on – 5th December 2020

Best Medical College in Bangladesh

Good faculty.

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