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Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka image

Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

Medical location Dhaka, Bangladesh | 4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


Type of College





Dhaka, Bangladesh


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

Dhaka Central International Medical College(DMC) is a private medical college in Dhaka, Bangladesh. "Dhaka Central International Medical College" offers a 5-year MBBS course approved by BMDC, MCI, WHO, Govt. of BangladeshAffiliated with the University of Dhaka, recognized by the Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC).

FMGE Passing Rate of Dhaka Central International Medical College

The college offers a five-year course of study, approved by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC), leading to a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree from Dhaka University. After passing the final professional examination, there is a compulsory one-year internship. The internship is a prerequisite for obtaining registration from the BMDC to practice medicine.

Doctors and Supporting health professionals are the backbones of the healthcare delivery system. Yet our country's health care professionals & population ratio is still one of the lowest in the world. At present, the doctor-population ratio in Bangladesh is 1: 3125. Till now, the available seats in medical colleges, public & private sector together are far too short to meet the requirement of the country's ever-growing need in this sector. In our country, a large number of students are willing to take part in the health care system, which is evidenced by the large number of applicants for admission to medical colleges.

Unfortunately, most of the eligible candidates are deprived of the opportunity of getting admitted to the medical colleges of Bangladesh due to a lack of enough seats. This results in confusion over the career planning of the eligible candidates, whose desires and dreams to be doctors would be nipped in the bud. Also, the migration of thousands of students to study abroad, mainly in the neighboring countries, resulted in the constant draining of our national economy to support their studies, and as a consequence, dependence on other countries for education and health care delivery grows immensely. In this context, Dhaka Central International Medical College is a humble initiative to provide scope for eligible candidates to contribute to the health sector of Bangladesh. DCIMC is the brainchild of some of the most generous business entrepreneurs, doctors, and philanthropists.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

MBBS (6 Yrs.)

USD 43,200/-

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Fees Structure

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Dhaka**.

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Facilites of Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel

Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities

Safety & Security

Safety & Security






College Brochure of Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka Prospectus or Brochure.


Video of Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Yes, the hostel mess offers Indian food, catering to the dietary preferences of Indian students.

Yes, DCIMC provides separate, well-furnished hostels for male and female students, ensuring a comfortable stay.

The medium of instruction is English, facilitating ease of learning for international students

Yes, Indian students must have a qualifying NEET score to be eligible for admission.

Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English, achieving a minimum GPA of 7, with at least 60% in Biology. A valid NEET score is also required.

The MBBS program spans five years, followed by a compulsory one-year internship.

Dhaka Central International Medical College is affiliated by the  University of Dhaka, recognized by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC).

Yes, Dhaka Central International Medical College is approved by BMDC, MCI, WHO, Govt. of Bangladesh.

Dhaka Central International Medical College is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dhaka Central International Medical College was established in 2011.


Student Reviews for Dhaka Central International Medical College (DCIMC) Dhaka

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2 Reviews









Razia star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 2nd January 2023

Quality education

Provide holistic education to students helping them excel in every sphere.

HASINA SULTAN star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 31st October 2021

Good Infra.


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