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Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council

By: Career Marg Team | on August 4, 2023

An ordinance of the President of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Medical Council was formed in 1972 which was passed in the Parliament in 1973 as Bangladesh Medical Council Act 1973. In 1980 it was amended with certain modifications and Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council Act. 1980 was formed. After long 30 years in 2010, there were some more updated amendments of 1980 act and the Medical & Dental Council Act 2010 (Act. 61) was passed in parliament. 

Council has its Registrar’s office in Dhaka & is headed by a President who is elected by the members of the Council from amongst themselves. Registration of new doctors, renewal of medical licenses and additional postgraduate qualifications are registered here in the registrar’s office.

Beyond those above routine works, Council is dealing with all the disciplinary measures ie. complaints lodged against doctors, formulation of undergraduate/ postgraduate course curriculum, recognition of degrees awarded from abroad, recognition of different journals and accreditation of both govt. and non-govt. Medical/ Dental Colleges/ Institutes etc.

How it Works

The Council is a supreme body and takes all policy decisions, it meets at least twice in a year or as and when there are sufficient items for the agenda, which needs policy decisions. It acts through various Committees and offices of the Registrar. The meetings of the Council are presided over by the President and in his absence by the Vice President.

The Council has an office headed by the Registrar. The Building of the Council is located at 203, Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani, Dhaka-1000. The Registrar is the Chief Executive of the Council and is responsible for all official work including implementation of the decision of the Council. The Registrar's office keeps a close liaison with the Ministry of Health, Universities, Medical Colleges and allied agencies for speedy implementation and execution of the decision of the Council. It also keeps a liaison with Council and licensing bodies in other countries to establish close contacts and develop mutual cooperation and understanding.


  • The Council has the following Committees for carrying out various functions: –

Executive Committee:

  • The Executive Committee is responsible for administration, finance and other related matters and is composed of the President, Vice President, and five members of the Council.

Standing Recognition Committee:

The Standing Recognition Committee Consist of five Members headed by the Chairmen of the Committee. The Chairman & members of the Committee elected from among the Members of the Council. The function of the Standing Recognition Committee are:

  1. To Recommend prescribing a uniform minimum standard of courses of training for obtaining graduate and post-graduate medical and dental qualifications to be included or included respectively in the First. Third and Fifth Schedules.
  2. To Recommend prescribing minimum requirements for the content and duration of courses of study as aforesaid.
  3. To Recommend prescribing the conditions for admission to courses of training as aforesaid.
  4. To Recommend prescribing minimum qualifications and experience required of teachers for appointment in medical and dental institutions.
  5. To Recommend prescribing the standards of examinations, methods of conducting the examinations and other requirements to be satisfied for securing recognition of medical and dental qualifications under this Act.
  6. To Recommend prescribing the qualifications and experience required of examiners for professional examinations in medicine and dentistry antecedent to the granting of recognised medical and dental qualifications.

Disciplinary Committee:

Consists of five members headed by the Chairman of the Committee. The Chairman & the members of the Committee are elected from among the members of the Council. Conventionally the member of the Council/ Nominated by the Chief Justice is elected one of the members of the Committee. The Committee is responsible to initiate disciplinary action against doctors as and when a complaint is received for professional negligence or misconduct. The Professional experts assist the Legal Member. The complainants and doctors are given full opportunity to present their cases either personally or through the lawyer.

The new list of Recognized Medical & Dental Colleges and Dental Units (Govt. & Non-Govt.)

The Recognition of the Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC) to any Medical and Dental college is not permanent. Recognition of any Medical & Dental College may be withdrawn at any time if it fails to fulfil the criteria set up by the Council. So the guardians and students are requested to confirm the validity of recognition of any Medical & Dental College before seeking admission to such Colleges.

List of Govt. Medical Colleges under Dhaka University

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Dhaka Medical CollegeDhaka Tel- 9669340,
Fax: 8615919
E-mail: [email protected]
2Sir Salimullah Medical CollegeDhaka Tel- 7315076
Fax: 7314786
E-mail: [email protected]
3Mymensingh Medical CollegeMymensingh Tel- 091-66063
Fax: 091-66064
E-mail: [email protected][email protected]
[email protected].
4Sher-E-Bangla Medical CollegeBarisal. Tel- 0431-52151
5Faridpur Medical CollegeFaridpur Tel- 0631-62744,
Fax: 0631-62744
E-mail: [email protected]
6Shaheed Suhrawardi Medical CollegeSher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 Phone-8802-8144048
7Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Medical CollegeKishoregonj Sadar, Kishoregonj
8Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical CollegeGopalganj. Phone: 01762-315491
9Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical CollegeCircuit House Rd, Gazipur, E-mail: [email protected]

List of Non-Govt. Medical Colleges under Dhaka University

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Bangladesh Medical CollegeHouse No-35,Road No-14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209. 
Phone-8116699, 815843, 9120792-93, Fax-880-2-9125655
[email protected]
2Jahurul Islam Medical CollegeBhagalpur, Bajitpur, Kishoregonj. Tel- 09423-315. 
E-mail- [email protected]
3Dhaka National Medical College53/1, Jonson Road, DhakaTel-7118272, 7117300, Fax: 88-02-7163852
E-mail: [email protected]
4Medical College for Women & HospitalHouse No.4, Road No-8-9, Sector,-1, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. 
Tel-8913939, 8916005Fax: 8955029, E-mail: [email protected]
5Z. H. Sikder Womens Medical CollegeMonika Estate, West Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209Tel-8115951, 8113313, 8125108
E-mail: [email protected]
6Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical CollegeFlat No-1/C, Road No-19, Sector-11, Uttara Model Town Uttara, Dhaka-1230, 
Tel-8917978, 8918058Fax:88-02-8917978
E-mail:[email protected]
7Community-Based Medical CollegeWinerpar, Post-ChurKhai, MymensinghTel- 091-53594, Ext-100, 101
8Kumudini Women’s Medical CollegeMirzapur, Tangail.Tel- 888-2-9849637,9842778 (09229) 56172
Fax: 037996-88256
[email protected] / [email protected]
9Ibrahim Medical College122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Shahbagh, Dhaka.Tel- 9663560-63, Fax: 88-02-8620832
E-Mail: [email protected]
10Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College1, Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka.
Tel- 8313234, 9353031
11International Medical CollegeSataish Bazar, Gushulia, Tangi, Gazipur. Tel- 9814713, 9814714, Fax: 880-2-9814550
E-mail: [email protected],
12Tairunnessa Memorial Medical CollegeKonia (Targach),Board Bazar, Gazipur. Tel: 9291523, 9291423, Fax-880-2-8316332
E-mail: [email protected],
13East West Medical CollegeAichi Nagar, JBCS Sarani, Horirampur, Turag, Dhaka-1230Tel: 8950504, 8919897
14Enam Medical College9/3, Parboti Nagar, Thana Road, Savar, Dhaka. Tel: 7710364, 7711560, 
Mobile- 01716358146.E-mail: [email protected]:
15Shahabuddin Medical CollegeHouse No. 15-16, Road No. 113/A, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212.
Tel- 9862594, 8860571: Fax: 88-02-8860572
E-mail:[email protected]
16Uttara Adhunik Medical CollegeHouse No-34, Road No-4,Sector-9, Sonargaon, Janapath. Uttara Model Town, Uttara, Dhaka-1230.
Tel: 8932330, 8932343, Fax-8931332
17Nightingale Medical College (Recognition withheld)Nightingale Point (Sarker Market),Ashulia, Dhaka – 1349.
Phone 88-02-8961628, 01713-014970.
Email : [email protected],
18Popular Medical CollegeHouse # 25, Road # 2,Dhanmondi,Dhaka1205. 
Phone:880-2 9673676,9672302, 9676747, 9672283,9676403
Fax: 880-2-9675633,
E-mail:[email protected],
19Ibn Sina Medical College1/1-B, Kallyanpur, Mirpur. Dhaka
Phone: 9010396, 8035905Fax: 880-2-9005595
Email: [email protected]
20Delta Medical College26/2, Darussalam Road,Mirpur-1,Dhaka-1216.
(PABX) 88-02-9027028-29,88-02-9027035
Email:[email protected] or
[email protected]
21Anwer Khan Modern Medical CollegeHouse No.17,Road No.8 Dhanmondi,Dhaka.
E-mail:[email protected].
22Ad-din Women’s Medical College2, Bara Maghbazar, Dhaka-1217,
Email: [email protected]
23Green Life Medical College32 Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205.
24Dhaka Community Medical College190/1, Bara Moghbazar,Wireless Railgate, Dhaka-1217 
E-mail:[email protected]
25Monno Medical College“Monno City” Gelondo, Manikganj,
Phone: +88-02-065163117
26MH Samorita Medical College117, Tejgaon, Love Road, Dhaka-1208,
Phone: +88-02-8878080, +88-02-8870755,
E-mail: [email protected],
27City Medical CollegeItahata, Block-B, Tangail Road, Gazipur Chowrasta, Gazipur-1702,
Phone: 9256582-5, 9263286,
E-mail: [email protected]
28Marks Medical CollegeA/3, Main Road, Mirpur-14, Dhaka-1206,
Phone: 9003475, 9872241,
Fax: 88-02-8057776
29Diabetic Association Medical CollegeJhiltuly, Faridpur,
Phone: 0631-63496, 61232,
Email:[email protected]
30Northern International Medical College (Recognition withheld)House# 84, Road # 8/A (New),( Old -15),Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209,
Tel: (880-2) 8156914, 8156839, 9133505,
Fax: 88-02-8156914,
E-mail: [email protected],
31Dr. Sirajul Islam Medical College12/3, Outer Circular Road, Dhaka 1217, Phone:+880 2-9351887
32Dhaka Central International Medical College2/1, Ring Road, Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, 
Phone: +88 02 9124396,
E-mail: [email protected],
33Universal Medical CollegeNew Airport Road, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Phone: 9120424, Mobile: 01841490051
PABX: 8142370-71, Ext: 127
34President Abdul Hamid Medical CollegeDaktarbari, Jafrabad, Karimganj, Kishoreganj
Phone: +8801711681660,+8801611681660
E-mail:[email protected],[email protected]
35Bashundhara Ad-din Medical CollegeBashundhara Riverview Project,
South Keraniganj, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01988886650
36Ashiyan Medical CollegeBarura, Khikhet, Dhaka-1229.
Phone: 8999133, Fax:02-8999262
E-mail:[email protected]
37Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical CollegeDamla, Sreenagar, Munshiganj.
Mobile: 01714712710
E-mail: [email protected],
38US-Bangla Medical CollegeHolding No.17,Kornogop, Rupshi, Rupganj, Narayangonj.
Mobile: 01787-694276, Email:[email protected]
[email protected], Website:

List of Govt. Dental College/Dental Units under Dhaka University

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Dhaka Dental CollegeMirpur-14, Dhaka-1206.
Tel- 8017146
2Mymensingh Medical College Dental UnitMymensingh Tel- 091-66063
Fax: 091-66064
E-mail: [email protected][email protected],
[email protected].
3Sir Salimullah Medical College Dental UnitDhaka Tel- 7315076
Fax: 7314786
E-mail: [email protected]
4Shaheed Suhrawardi Medical College Dental UnitSher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 Phone-8802-8144048

List of Non-Govt. Dental Colleges/Dental Units under Dhaka University

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Pioneer Dental CollegePlot # Ka-40/1, Lichu Bagan Road, Joar Sahara, Baridhara, Dhaka-1229. Bangladesh
Tel- 88-02-8411024,8411035,8413653, Fax:8411023,E-mail: [email protected],
2City Dental College1085/1, Malibagh Chowdhury para, Dhaka-1219
Tel- 8331307-09, Fax: 88-02-8318700,
E-mail: [email protected],
3University Dental College120/A, Shidheshwari Outer Circular RoadSenchuri Arced, 3rd floor, Maghbazar, Dhaka-1217
Phone-9337417, 9351575, 8355079,
Fax: 88-02-9125655,
E-mail: [email protected],
4Sapporo Dental CollegePlot No-24, Court Bari Road, Sector No.-08, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230
Tel- 8954770, 06662626701, 04476151041,
E-mail: [email protected]
5Bangladesh Dental CollegeHouse No-35, Road No-14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka.
Tel- 9124619, 912072-93, 9118202, 8115843,
Fax: 880-2-9125655,
E-mail: [email protected], Web:
6Update Dental CollegeAichi Nagar, JBCS SaraniP.O.- Khairtek, Turag, Uttara, Dhaka-1711,
Tel-8982128, FAx-02-8982124
E-mail: [email protected]
7Mandy Dental College295/Jha/14,Sikder Real Estate West Dhanmondi, P.S. Hazaribag Dhaka-1209
Phone: 9180457
E-mail: [email protected][email protected],
8Saphena Women’s Dental CollegeHolding # 64, Plot # 111, DIT Road, Malibagh, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh, 
Tel: +88 02 9340203, 9340204, E-mail: [email protected]
9Marks Medical College Dental UnitA/3, Main Road, Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206,
Tel-9871527, 9872241, 8033373, Fax: 88-02-8057776
10MH Samorita Medical College Dental Unit117, Tejgaon, Love Road, Dhaka-1208, Phone: +88-02-8878080, +88-02-8870755,
E-mail: [email protected],
11Delta Medical College Dental Unit26/2, Darussalam Road,Mirpur-1,Dhaka-1216.
(PABX) 88-02-9027028-29,88-02-9027035
Email:[email protected] or
[email protected]
12Kumudini Women’s Medical College Dental UnitMirzapur, TangailTel- 888-2-9849637, 9842778, (09229)56172, Fax: 037996-88256
[email protected] / [email protected]
13Dhaka Community Medical College Dental Unit190/1, Bara Moghbazar,Wireless Railgate, Dhaka-1217 
E-mail:[email protected]

List of Govt. Medical Colleges under Chittagong Medical University from session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Colleges were under Chittagong University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Chittagong Medical CollegeChittagong Tel- 031-619400
Fax- 031-619400
2Comilla Medical CollegeComilla. Tel- 081-65562
Fax: 081-77078
E-mail: [email protected]
3Cox’s Bazar Medical CollegeCox’s Bazar. Phone: 01821-431144
4Abdul Malek Ukil Medical CollegeBegamganj, Sonaimuri-Ramganj Rd, Chowmuhani, Noakhali. 
Phone: 0321-54300.
[email protected]

List of Govt. Dental College/Dental Unit under Chittagong Medical University From session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Dental Unit was under Chittagong University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Chittagong Medical College Dental UnitChittagong Tel- 031-619400 Fax- 031-619400

List of Non-Govt. Medical Colleges under Chittagong Medical University from session 2017-2018 . (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Colleges were under Chittagong University except Institute of Applied Health Science (IAHS),which was under University of Science &Technology, USTC)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Central Medical CollegeComilla Tower, Laksham Road, Comilla Phone- 081-71298, Fax-081-71489
E-mail- [email protected]
2Eastern Medical CollegeRace Course, Comilla New Campus, Kabila, Dhaka Chittagong High Way, Comilla.
Tel: 081-71307, 01717031411
Fax: 081-71308
3B.G.C Trust Medical CollegeBGC Biddyangar, Chandanaish, Chittagong.
Tel- +88-3033-56189, 56190-93
E-mail: [email protected]
4Institute of Applied Health Science (IAHS)Campus : Foy’s Lake, Post Box-1079, Chittagong, Bangladesh , 
Phone: +880-31-659070-71 (Ext: Registrar-109, 
Academic Office-189 & Controller of Examinations-262),
E-mail: [email protected][email protected] 
[email protected]
5Southern Medical College & HospitalSouthern Medical College Road, East Nasirabad, Khulshi, P.O.-Polytechnic
Phone-88-031-2584570, +8801708599594
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
6Mainamoti Medical CollegeJhawtala, Comilla,
Phone: 081-65471
7Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical CollegeAgrabad,Chittagong-4100.Phone- +880-31-718525,718521,2511457(Direct)
Fax- +880-31-2525409
Email: [email protected],[email protected]
8Chattagram Intermational Medical College206/1, Hazi Chandmiah Road,
Chandgaon,Chittagong. Phone- +880-31-2573123, Fax- +880-31-672062
Email: [email protected][email protected]
9Brahmanbaria Medical CollegeGhatura, Brahmanbaria. Phone- +880-01733382314, 01733382317,
Email: [email protected],
10Marine City Medical College1101/2127, Chandra Nagar, Bayazid Bostami,Chittagong
Mobile: 8801704645150 Phone : (88) 031 258 1155
Email: [email protected]

List of Non-Govt. Dental College under Chittagong Medical University From session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned College was under Chittagong University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Chittagong International Dental College206-1, Maji Chand Meah Road, P.O.- Darul Marif, Shamsherpara, Chandgaon, Chittagong.
Phone-88-031-671488, 672062,
Fax- 88-031-610307

List of Govt. Medical Colleges under Rajshahi Medical University from session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Colleges were under Rajshahi University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Rajshahi Medical CollegeMedical College Road, Laxmipur
Rajpara, Rajshahi-6100
Tel No.- 0721-772150
Fax: 0721-772174
E-mail: [email protected]
2Rangpur Medical CollegeRangpur Tel- 0521-62288
Fax: 0521-63388
E-mail: [email protected][email protected]
3Khulna Medical CollegeKhulna Tel- 041-760350
Fax: 041-760350
E-mail- [email protected]
4Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical CollegeBogra Tel- 0516-9965
Fax: 0516-1717
E-mail: [email protected]
5Abdur Rahim Medical CollegeDinajpur Tel- 0531-64787
Fax: 0531-63820
E-mail: [email protected]
6Pabna Medical CollegeHemayetpur, Pabna, Phone: 0731-62012
7Jessore Medical CollegeChachra, Shankarpur, Jessore City Bypass, Jessore. Phone: 01714-812092.
8Satkhira Medical CollegeSatkhira
9Kushtia Medical CollegeKushtia

List of Govt. Dental Colleges/ Dental Units under Rajshahi Medical University from session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Dental Colleges/ Dental Units were under Rajshahi University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Rajshahi Medical College Dental UnitMedical College Road, Laxmipur
Rajpara, Rajshahi-6100
Tel No.- 0721-772150
Fax: 0721-772174
E-mail: [email protected]
2Rangpur Medical College Dental UnitRangpur Tel- 0521-62288
Fax: 0521-63388
E-mail: [email protected][email protected]

List of Non-Govt. Medical Colleges under Rajshahi Medical University from session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Medical Colleges were under Rajshahi University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1North Bengal Medical CollegeJ.C. Road, Dhanleandi, Sirajgonj.
Phone- 0751- 62633
Fax-0751- 62231
E-mail- [email protected]
2Islami Bank Medical CollegeAirport Road, Nawdapara, Sopura, Rajshahi
Phone- (0721) 862240, 861401
Fax- (0721) 861291
E-mail- [email protected]
3Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical CollegeEnayetpur, Sirajgonj.
Fax- 880-75163852
E-mail- [email protected],
4T.M.S.S. Medical CollegeThengamara, Gokul,
5Prime Medical CollegePirzabad, Rangpur
Phoen: 0521-53902-2
Fax: 0521-53903Email: [email protected]
6Rangpur Community Medical CollegeMedical East Gate, Rangpur
Phone: 0521-53881-2. Fax: 0521-53880
Email: [email protected]

Northern (Pvt.) Medical College

"Recognition Withheld" is withdrawn asper

order of High Court against WP-7897 of 2016

Medical East Area, Dhap, Rangpur.
Tel: 0521-53780, 55231,
E-mail: [email protected]
8Barind Medical CollegeChoto Bongram, Boalia, Rajshahi,
Phone: 0721-761227, 761298, Mobile: 01777242402,
9Gazi Medical CollegeA 19-21, Mazid Sarani, Sonadanga, Khulna,
Phone: 01714-086829, Fax: 88041-724450
10Ad-din Sakina Medical College15, Rail Road, Jessore,
Phoen: 0421-68803-4
Email: [email protected]
11Ad-din Akij Medical CollegeBoyra, Khulna.
Fax: 041-2851098.

List of Non-Govt. Dental Colleges/Dental Units under Rajshahi Medical University From session 2017-2018 (Before session 2017-2018 under mentioned Dental Colleges/ Dental Units were under Rajshahi University)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Rangpur Dental CollegeMedical East Gate, Rangpur.
Phone- 88-0521-61113-15, Fax- 88-0521-68028,E-mail: [email protected],
2Udayan Dental CollegeHouse No-1, Ward-7, Candipur,Rajpara,Rajshahi
Phone: 0721-774744,
Email: [email protected],
3T.M.S.S. Medical College Dental UnitThengamara, Gokul, Bogra-5800
4Islami Bank Medical College Dental UnitAirport Road, Nawdapara, Sopura, Rajshahi
Phone- (0721) 862240, 861401
Fax- (0721) 861291
E-mail- [email protected]

List of Non-Govt. Medical College under Gono Bishwabiddalay (G.B.)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Gonoshasthaya Samaj Vittik Medical CollegeP.O.-Mirjanagar, Via Savar Cantt.,Dhaka-1344
Phone-7708004: Fax-880-2-7708316
E-mail: [email protected]

List of Non-Govt. Dental College/Dental Unit under Gono Bishwabiddalay (G.B.)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Gonoshasthaya Samaj Vittik Medical College Dental UnitP.O.-Mirjanagar, Via Savar Cantt.,Dhaha-1344
Phone-7708004: Fax-880-2-7708316
E-mail: [email protected]

List of Medical Colleges under Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Armed Forces Medical CollegeDhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206. Tel: 6754.
Email- [email protected]
2Army Medical College Chattogram

Chittagong Cantonment, 

E-mail: [email protected]


List of Govt. Medical Colleges under Sylhet Medical University from session 2018-2019 (Before session 2018-2019 under mentioned Medical College was under Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1M.A.G. Osmani Medical CollegeSylhet Tel- 0821-714368,713667
Fax: 0821-720985
E-mail: [email protected]

List of Govt. Dental Colleges/ Dental Units under Sylhet Medical University from session 2018-2019 (Before session 2018-2019 under mentioned Dental Unit was under Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1M.A.G. Osmani Medical College Dental UnitSylhet Tel- 0821-714368,713667
Fax: 0821-720985
E-mail: [email protected]

List of Non-Govt. Medical Colleges under Sylhet Medical University from session 2018-2019 (Before session 2018-2019 under mentioned Medical Colleges were under Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST)

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1Jalalabad Ragib Rabeya Medical CollegeRagib Rabeya Medical College Road, Pathantuly, Sylhet.
Phone-(0821) 7190906,Fax-(0821) 719096
E-mail: [email protected],Web:
2North East Medical CollegeSouth Surma, Sylhet
Phone- (0821-2832829, 724441-3,
Fax- 0821-2832829
E-mail- [email protected][email protected]
3Sylhet Women’s Medical CollegeMirboxtola, Naya Sadak, Sylhet
Phone- 0821-2830040,
E-mail: [email protected];
4Parkview Medical CollegeTaltola, Sylhet,
Phone: 0821-728878
Email: [email protected],

List of Non-Govt. Dental College/ Dental Unit under Sylhet Medical University from session 2018-2019 (Before session 2018-2019 These were under Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) 

Sl.Name of Medical College / InstituteAddress
1North East Medical College, Dental UnitSouth Surma, Sylhet,
Phone-(0821) 728587,Fax-(0821) 728600
E-mail: [email protected], Web:

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Nobel Medical College Fees
Nobel Medical College Fees for Indian Students 2025-26

Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital (P) Ltd. affiliated with Kathmandu University, was founded in 2007. It is located in Biratnagar, one of the major academic hubs of the eastern part of Nepal. Its key objective is to impart international standard medical....

kathmandu medical college fees
Kathmandu medical college(KMC) fees for indian students 2025-26

MBBS Program Fee Structure for Indian/International Students 2025/26 SessionSingle PaymentAmountAt the time of AdmissionIRs. 26,00,00001-08-2026IRs. 20,00,00001-08-2027IRs    9,00,000TotalIRs. 55,00,000Other fees for Indian/International Students:Admission Form charge: IRs. 5,000 Admission fee one time: IRs. 3,00,000Registration....

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