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Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga

Medical location Darbhanga, India | 4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


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Darbhanga, India



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4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga

Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) is a public Medical college located in Darbhanga, Bihar , India. "Darbhanga Medical College" offers 5 years MBBS course approved by MCIAffiliated by Aryabhatta Knowledge University, recognized by MCI, Govt. Of India.

Darbhanga Medical College aims to produce top class doctors, and is the main center for research work and specific studies. They offer scholarly and proficient projects at Undergraduate level in Medicines, Neurology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Surgery etc. Darbhanga college goes for developing the general aptitude of students through interactive sessions with their tutors, standard conceptualizing in gathering discussions and presentation on several occasions. The darbhanga medical college offers an agile and enthusiastic social environment that helps in additional curricular improvement and knowing the budding talent of its students. Also, the college offers programs for the Diploma students and PG for those who want to continue their masters in the field of medicines and others.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga

MBBS (5 Yrs.)


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Fees Structure

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Bihar**.

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Facilites of Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel

Safety & Security

Safety & Security








Video of Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Campus life at DMC Darbhanga likely includes a mix of academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, and social interactions. You can get a better understanding of campus life by visiting the college campus, interacting with current students, or looking for student blogs or social media pages.

DMC Darbhanga encourages research activities among its students and faculty. There may be opportunities to participate in research projects, present research papers at conferences, and publish research findings in medical journals.

  • Students need to submit their 10th and 12th mark sheets, NEET score card, passport-size photographs, and other necessary documents for admission to DMC Darbhanga.

Yes, DMC Darbhanga has a placement cell that assists students in finding jobs.

Students at DMC Darbhanga are provided with various types of clinical training, including working in hospitals, participating in surgeries, and using medical equipment.

Yes, hostel facilities are available for students at DMC Darbhanga.

The primary course offered at DMC Darbhanga is the MBBS course. The college may also offer other postgraduate and diploma courses.

Admission to DMC Darbhanga is based on the results of the NEET exam. Students who qualify for the NEET exam are invited to participate in the counseling process

The fee for the MBBS course may vary each year. Please visit the official college website for the current fee structure.

Students must have passed the 10+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as subjects. They must have qualified in the NEET exam.


Location of Darbhanga Medical College (DMC) Darbhanga


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