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NEET (UG)-2025: Official Clarification About the Revised Question Paper Pattern and Exam Duration

The National Testing Agency has finally released key information about the revised NEET (UG)-2025 exam pattern and duration. The new rules are significant for the candidates, and this article is an attempt to provide an all-inclusive understanding of the major changes and relevant information that would help one understand the new pattern.

Major Changes in NEET (UG)-2025 Exam Pattern

The officially declared NEET (UG)-2025 exam will have the following noteworthy changes:

  1. Changes in Numbers of Questions: The new edition of the NEET (UG)-2025 paper has been updated with a different number of questions in every section, meaning an alteration to the total number of questions present in the exam.
  2. Time Limit: Official clarifications have been made regarding the duration of time given to the students to write an exam.
  3. Topics and Papers: NEET (UG)-2025 will be a three-pronged paper, covering three major subjects, namely Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. There will be a different paper for each of the three subjects.
  4. Exam Type: The exam is to be taken in a CBT (computer-based test) format wherein the questionnaires are to be answered through computers only.

Structure of New NEET (UG)-2025 Exam Pattern

Mode of ExamHybrid Mode and exam will be Conducted in Two Phases
Duration3 hours
Numbers of Questions180
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Number of Questions in each SubjectPhysics (45), Chemistry (45), Biology(90)
Total Marks720 Marks 
Marking Scheme

Correct Answer: +4 marks

Incorrect Answer: -1 mark

Languages13 Languages

Changes: Key Updates

1. Reduction in the Number of Questions

Old Pattern: The NEET exam had a total of 200 questions.

New Pattern: The number of questions has been reduced to 180 questions for NEET 2025.

Reason for change: This is going to reduce the overall pressure on the candidates and give more time to focus on each question.

2. Removal of Optional Questions

Earlier Pattern: In the earlier years, the NEET exam had optional questions for each subject. The students were allowed to choose any one set of questions.

Later Pattern: In NEET 2025, all the optional questions have been eliminated.

Impact on students: The candidates will not be able to avoid any set of questions. All 180 questions are compulsory. Students have to attempt all the questions in the exam.

3. Reduced Exam Time

Before Current Previous duration: This duration of the NEET exam used to be 200 minutes, i.e., it used to be a 3-hour, 20-minute duration exam.

The latest current new total exam duration is just 180 minutes, which is merely 3 hours.

Impact: Reduced time will ask the candidates to manage their time more effectively while sitting for the exam. Fewer questions with a reduced time frame will challenge the students to complete the paper within the stipulated time, ensuring accuracy at the same time.

4. New Exam Pattern for NEET 2025 The overall three major subjects would remain the same with the pattern as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. However, the reducing number of questions and the removal of optional questions would further modify the way students approach their preparatory activities.

NEET (UG) 2025 Question Paper Overview

SubjectsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks

Official Clarification by NTA

The NTA has issued clarifications in the wake of protests by students about the pattern of exams. The clarification is as follows:

The question paper will be bilingual, in both English and Hindi, and the other regional languages will also be provided.

The exam will be conducted online. Students will answer the test from computer terminals in the designated examination centers.

No change to the NEET eligibility criteria has been made, and candidates will have to attain the necessary educational qualifications to sit for the examination.

Preparation Tips for NEET (UG)-2025

With the new exam pattern and duration, students must prepare accordingly. Here are some tips to get you ready for NEET (UG)-2025

Understand the New Question Format: Get used to the assertion-reasoning type of questions, as they would require both conceptual knowledge and critical thinking.

Time Management: Utilize these extra 20 minutes wisely. Practice time-bound mock tests to enhance your ability to solve questions within the stipulated time.

Focus on Conceptual Understanding: Since there is a trend towards more reasoning-based questions, gaining deep conceptual knowledge would be critical in making it through the test.

Mock Tests: Take mock tests regularly to get a feel for the revised format and learn how to manage the increased number of questions.

 For detailed preparation tips, college admission guidance, and expert counseling, visit CareerMarg, your trusted partner for medical admissions in India and abroad.  


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