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The NTA has revised the tie-breaking criteria for NEET UG 2025 to ensure a more equitable ranking process. In cases where two students achieve the same score, factors such as higher marks in biology and chemistry, along with fewer incorrect responses, will determine their ranks. Keep an eye out for the latest updates!

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has officially released the notification for the NEET 2025 exam! Alongside important exam details, the NTA has introduced brand-new tie-breaking rules to ensure a fairer ranking process.

Medical aspirants, make sure to read the official notice carefully to fully understand these changes. NEET UG is a crucial step in your medical journey, so stay focused and keep pushing forward with your preparation.

Stay smart, stay updated, and prepare with confidence for the upcoming NEET UG 2025! For more information on the new tie-breaking rules, be sure to check out the full article below.


NEET UG 2025: NTA Introduces Final Tie-Breaker Rule! 

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has added an all-new rule to handle ties in NEET UG 2025 scores if the usual methods fall short. According to the official NEET UG information bulletin, if two or more students score the same and none of the seven existing tie-breaking rules can determine the ranking, an expert committee will step in.

In this case, a fair, random selection process will be used to break the tie, ensuring that every candidate has an equal and unbiased chance at securing their spot. This new rule guarantees transparency and fairness for all aspirants. Stay informed and keep preparing for your big day! 

                                                                 NEET UG 2025 Information Bulletin Released! Click to View Now

NEET UG 2025: Updated Tie-Breaking Rule

In the event that two or more candidates achieve the same marks or percentile in NEET UG 2025, their ranks will be determined using seven tie-breaking criteria. If the tie persists, the NTA will implement a random selection process overseen by an expert committee.

Additionally, NEET UG 2025 will revert to the pre-COVID-19 exam pattern, returning to the structure used in earlier years. This change aims to bring consistency and ensure a fair ranking process.

The tie-breaking criteria are as follows:

  • Candidates with higher marks in biology (Botany & Zoology) will be ranked higher.
  • If the tie remains, candidates with higher marks in chemistry will be given priority.
  • If still tied, higher marks in physics will be the deciding factor.
  • Candidates with fewer incorrect answers across all subjects will be ranked higher if the tie continues.
  • If needed, candidates with fewer incorrect answers in biology will be preferred.
  • If still unresolved, candidates with fewer incorrect answers in Chemistry will be ranked higher.
  • Lastly, if needed, the candidate with fewer incorrect answers in physics will be given preference.


                                                                           NEET UG 2025 Official Notification Released! Tap to View

NEET UG 2025 Application Fee: Check the Details

The NEET UG 2025 Application Form is now available on NTA’s official website for all medical aspirants aiming for courses like MBBS and BDS.

Here’s a quick look at the application fees:

General CategoryINR 1,700
General-EWS and OBC-NCLINR 1600
SC, ST, PwBD, and Third Gender CandidatesINR 1000
Candidates Outside IndiaINR 9500

Make sure to complete your registration and payment to secure your spot for the NEET UG Exam 2025. Stay focused and prepare well for this critical step in your medical journey!


Also Read:

NEET UG 2025 Application Rejection: Avoid These 5 Critical Mistakes

NEET UG Counselling in Patna: Complete Guidance for Medical Aspirants

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