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NEET 2020

By: Career Marg Team | on February 22, 2022

NEET 2020 is the national level entrance for admissions to MBBS and BDS courses as well as Ayush, veterinary, AIIMS MBBS, JIPMER MBBS and other medical courses in the country. Held across 154 cities in the country, Last year saw 14,10,754 students appear for the exam and the number is expected to rise more for the 2020 examination. The number of seats has also increased with the introduction of the EWS quota which is supernumerary in nature.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Ministry of Health and Welfare, in a recent interview on October 4, announced NEET 2020 to be the single entrance exam for medical UG courses in India. National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the important dates of NEET 2020 through an official notification on August 21, 2019. NTA will conduct the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) 2020 on May 3 in pen and paper-based mode. Registration of NEET 2020 and filling up of application form will start from December 2, 2019, and end on December 31.

NEET 2020 application correction is likely to be available from the second week of January for candidates who wish to correct mistakes in their forms. Admit Card of NEET 2020 will be available for download on March 27, 2020. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check the answer key of NEET 2020 in May while the result will be announced on June 4, 2020. Counselling will start thereafter separately for the All India quota for 15% of the government medical seats in the country plus seats of deemed universities and central universities and state-wise counselling for 85% of the government seats and all private seats of the state.


NEET 2020 - Overview



Name of the Examination

National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET-UG)

Conducting body

National Testing Agency (NTA)

Examination level


Examination category


NEET Scope

· Admission to MBBS and BDS programs in India

· Admission to all the AYUSH courses available in the country.

· Admissions to veterinary and other undergraduate medical courses in the country.

· To pursue MBBS and BDS abroad

· Admission to AIIMS MBBS and JIPMER MBBS

Seat Intake

75893 (MBBS seats) in 529 colleges (as per MCI)

26693 (BDS seats) in 313 colleges (as per DCI)

Number of Applicants

15,19,375 (in 2019)

Number of Appeared Candidates

14,10,754 (in 2019)


NEET Important Dates 2020

Since NEET is the single largest undergraduate medical entrance exam, candidates must keep track of the important dates of NEET 2020. This will aid them in avoiding missing any important deadline like application, correction, admit card download dates and more. The NEET 2020 important dates are given below in a table.

NEET 2020 Exam Dates




August 21, 2019

Application form release date

December 2, 2019

Last date for registration

December 31, 2019

Last date to pay the application fee

December 31, 2019

NEET 2020 correction window dates

The second week of January 2020

Release of Admit Card

March 27, 2020

NEET 2020 exam date

May 3, 2020 (2.00 PM to 5.00 PM)

Display of recorded responses

May last week, 2020*

Release of provisional answer keys

May last week, 2020*

Release of final official Answer Key

June 4, 2020*

Declaration of NEET 2020 results

June 4, 2020

Counselling for 15% AIQ/Deemed/Central Universities/ESIC and AFMC

Registration - Round 1

June second week, 2020

Result of Round 1

July first week, 2020

Registration - Round 2

July second week, 2020

Result of Round 2

July second week, 2020

* = All the Dates are tentative


NEET Eligibility Criteria 2020

To appear for the entrance test, candidates must meet the prescribed eligibility criteria. NEET eligibility criteria will detail the nationality, age limit of candidates as well as the qualifying exam studied, subjects and pass percentage for the same. The NEET 2020 eligibility criteria are listed below.

NEET Eligibility Criteria 2020




Indian Nationals,

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs),

Overseas Citizen of India


Persons with Indian Origin (PIO)

Foreign Nationals

Age Limit

Candidates must at least be 17 years of age by December 31, 2020.

There is no upper age limit for NEET 2020

Qualifying Exam and subjects studied

Candidates must have qualified Class 12 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology.

Candidates appearing for their class 12 or equivalent are also eligible to appear for the exam.


Minimum Required Marks

Applicants must have scored minimum marks as mentioned below in each subject and in aggregate.

Unreserved Candidates - 50%

Physically Handicapped - 45%


Additional Biology and Open School students

Candidates with Biology as an additional subject in Class 12 are also eligible.

Students who have completed Class 11 and Class 12 from open school are also eligible.

Number of attempts

There is no limit on the number of attempts.


NEET Application Form 2020

NTA will release the NEET 2020 application form online on December 2, 2019. The process to apply for NEET is completely online. The NEET application process involves five steps in all which have been detailed below. However, first candidates must keep some documents and details ready such that they complete filling their application of NEET 2020 successfully at one go.

What to keep ready before filling the NEET 2020 application form?



Size and Format


· Postcard size picture with a white background

· Imp: Name of the candidate and date must be printed below the photograph

Size - 10 Kb to 100 Kb

Format - JPG


· Signature of the candidate in black ink on white background

Size - 3 Kb to 20 Kb

Format - JPG

Other details

· Mobile Number

· Email ID

· Class 10 details

· Class 12 details

· Identity Number - Aadhaar Card number/ Passport number/ Ration Card number/ bank account/ any other valid Govt. identity number


How to apply for NEET 2020 Application Form

NTA has specified five easy steps to fill the online NEET application form. They are as follows

1. NEET 2020 Registration: Candidates must enter their name, email Id, mobile number, gender etc to register and generate their provisional application number and login credentials.

2. Log in to fill NEET application form 2020: Next candidates must use the given NEET 2020 login ID and password to fill the personal, academic and communication details

3. Upload photograph, signature and other documents: the details and specifications of the photograph and signature are given above.

4. Pay the application fee of NEET: Candidates must pay the prescribed fee, the details of which are given below. Payment mode is online through net banking, debit/credit cards etc or through cash deposit (e-challan) to be paid at State Bank of India branches only.

NEET 2020 Application Fees


Application Fees

General/OBC-NCL Candidates

Rs. 1,400

SC/ST/PH/Transgender Candidates

Rs. 750

5. Print confirmation page: after the payment is made and details submitted, candidates must download the confirmation page and save the same.


Guidelines for NEET 2020 aspirants by NTA after filling application form:

    • Candidates are advised to retain the following with them for future reference
    • Four printouts of the confirmation page after filling the application form of NEET 2020
    • Proof of application fee payment
    • Five copies of the photograph uploaded with the application form.
  • Self-declaration in case of candidates from J & K who have opted for All India Quota.


NEET Exam Centres 2020

While filling the NEET 2020 application form, candidates must choose at least four exam cities in the order of their preference. NEET will be conducted in 154 cities in around 2546 exam centres in 64000 exam rooms with 128000 invigilators (as per 2019 statistics). Candidates may note that they will be allotted the centre as per their first preference if there are enough vacancies or enough candidates for the same. In case of insufficient candidates for a centre, it may be cancelled and the next preferred centre may be allotted. It is also to be noted that the exam centre of NEET 2020 cannot be changed or modified after submitting the application form. Hence candidates must plan the list of NEET exam centres carefully and enter them accordingly. Few exam centres of NEET 2020 has been listed below in the table.


NEET 2020 Test Cities with Codes

Exam City Exam City Code
Vijayawada 1205
Visakhapatnam 1206
Chandigarh/Mohali/Panchkula 1601
Bhilai/Durg/Bhilai Nagar 1701
Bilaspur 1702
Delhi/New Delhi 2001
Ahmedabad 2201
Bangalore 2702
Trivandrum 2811
Mumbai 3110
Nagpur 3111
Jaipur 3903
Chennai 4101
Coimbatore 4102
Varanasi 4411
Lucknow 4408


NEET Admit Card 2020

NTA will release the NEET 2020 admit card on March 27, 2020. Candidates can download the admit card of NEET by entering their application number and date of birth. After downloading they must check all details mentioned therein. It is mandatory to carry a valid photo ID proof along with the NEET 2020 admit card which is also the identity document for the candidates. Candidates must also keep in mind the exam day guidelines mentioned on the NEET admit card. It is prudent to keep the admit card safe till the admission process concludes.

How to download NEET 2020 admit card?

    • Candidates must enter the application number and date of birth
    • They must download and save the admit card
  • The details mentioned on it must be checked thoroughly

NEET Dress Code 2020

NTA has specified a certain dress code that must be adhered to by candidates appearing for NEET 2020. The guidelines have been in place to ensure that no malpractices, irregularities, cheating etc occur in the exam halls. Some of the guidelines for NEET dress code are

    • Candidates must wear half sleeve shirts/t-shirts. Full sleeves are not allowed
    • Clothes should be light without zips, pockets, big buttons and any elaborate embroidery.
    • Female candidates should avoid clothes with embroidery, flowers, brooches and buttons. Salwars and trousers are allowed
    • Slippers or sandals with low heels are allowed while shoes are not allowed in the examination hall.
  • Jewellery like earrings, ring, pendants, nose ring, necklace or any kind of metallic item is not allowed

The list of items barred in NEET 2020 are

    • Stationery items, textual material, papers, Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
    • Devices like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band etc.
    • Items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Caps, Watches/Wrist Watches, Bracelets, Camera, etc.
    • Any ornaments.
    • Any eatable item opened or packed.
  • Water bottle.

NEET 2020 preparation tips

Preparation is the crucial part and the starting step towards achieving the goal of cracking NEET 2020. Candidates in the process of preparation must first know the syllabus, exam pattern to have a good shot at the exam and then cement that with proper and ample practice.

Tips to prepare for NEET 2020

  • Know the syllabus well: Preparation for NEET 2020 will be ineffective without a thorough knowledge of the NEET 2020 syllabus. It is essential to know the sections, chapters and concepts from all the subjects asked in the entrance test. Being familiar with the syllabus will allow the candidates to cover all the topics in a systematic fashion.
  • NCERT books: Experts suggest that the maximum number of questions are picked up from NCERT textbooks. To get the best possible score in NEET 2020, candidates must focus on the NCERT books of Class 11 and 12. Once a candidate has thoroughly read the NCERT books, then one should move to other reference books for an in-depth understanding of concepts.
  • Short notes: The candidates should maintain their self-made short notes on each concept that they have studied in NEET 2020 preparations. It allows the candidate to keep the various concepts on tips and it is also helpful for an easy revision.
  • Extensive revision: Learning the topic is not enough, one must be able to reproduce all of it with ease at the time of appearing NEET 2020 exam. For that, candidates must extensively revise all the topics which should be done regularly. Aspirants will be able to retain more if the topics are revised regularly.
  • Sample papers/mock test: To keep a tab on your preparation for NEET 2020, candidates must regularly take mock test and practice with the help of sample papers/previous year papers. Attempting such mock tests at the NEET exam duration will accustom the candidate to write the exam on the D-Day.
NEET 2020 preparation tips from the toppers are the best motivation aspirants can utilise. Emerging victorious from a sea of 14 lakh candidates, these top three NEET toppers are no less than an inspiration for all the medical aspirants who wish to appear for NEET 2020. Candidates can check their interview to know the preparation strategy, books they referred and overall success mantra to boost the NEET 2020 preparations.


NEET Syllabus 2020

NTA has a prescribed syllabus comprising of topics from Physics, Chemistry and Biology of class 11 and 12 levels. The main topics with weight that matter in an exam like NEET are given below. However, students must understand that they should ideally study the entire NEET syllabus that is prescribed and leave no stone unturned in their endeavour to crack NEET 2020.


NEET 2020 Syllabus (Important Topics with weightage)

Physics with weightage

Chemistry with weightage

Biology with weightage

Work, energy and power -6%

Thermodynamics - 9%

Diversity in Living World - 11%

Motion of System Of Particles and Rigid Body - 4%

Equilibrium - 6%

Biology and Human Welfare - 5%

Properties of bulk matter - 14%

Solutions - 5%

Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants - 10%

Thermodynamics - 9%

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers - 8%

Plant Physiology - 8%

Electrostatics - 9%

Electrochemistry - 4%

Human Physiology - 12%

Current Electricity - 8%

Chemistry in Everyday Life - 4%

Reproduction - 11%

Optics - 10%

d and f Block Elements - 4%

Genetics and Evolution - 12%

Electronic devices 14%

Coordination compounds - 4%

Biology and Human Welfare - 5%

Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves - 5% each

Chemical Bonding and molecular structure - 5%

Biotechnology and Its Applications, Cell Structure and Function - 7% each

Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation - 6%

Chemical kinetics, Classification of elements and periodicity in properties, Hydrogen, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Polymers, Biomolecules - 3% each

Ecology and environment - 13%

NEET Exam Pattern 2020

The exam pattern of NEET 2020 will indicate exam details like type of questions, mode of exam, duration, language, marking scheme etc. Candidates can perform better if they what to expect in the exam hall while appearing for the exam. Also, preparation should be moulded according to the NEET exam pattern such that students can feel comfortable with the exam. The NEET 2020 exam pattern is explained below

NEET 2020 Test Pattern



Mode of Exam

Pen and Paper/ Offline mode


3 hours

Total Number of Questions

180 Questions

Subjects and Sections

Physics – 45 Questions

Chemistry – 45 Questions

Biology – 90 Questions

Marking Scheme

+4 marks for each correct answer;

-1 mark for each wrong answer;

0 mark for each unanswered question

Maximum Marks

720 marks

NEET Score Calculation

Score = Total number of correct answers x 4 – Total number of incorrect answers x 1

NEET 2020 medium of exam

NTA will conduct the NEET exam in 2 national and 8 regional languages. The languages of the NEET 2020 UG exam is mentioned in the table below.

NEET 2020 Languages

S. No.


S. No.


























NEET 2020 Sample Papers

While understanding and building conceptual knowledge is a pre-requisite, equally essential is to strengthen the concepts and use them to analyse and answer the questions. Practice only makes a person more perfect and aids in clearing doubts as strengthening the knowhow. NEET 2020 Sample papers are the ideal tool to cement the concepts learnt and NEET previous year question papers given an idea of how the actual paper will be like. Students should start with practising the questions at the end of each topic and chapter and then move on to full-length exam papers.


NEET Cutoff 2020

The minimum marks required to qualify NEET 2020 is the qualifying cutoff. NTA has specified the cutoff for each category wherein students who score equal to or above this cutoff of NEET 2020 will be eligible for admissions. The NEET cutoff for admission is the minimum rank/marks at which the last seat was allotted to the eligible applicants. Candidates may note that NEET cutoff 2020 will vary for each category, institute and for MBBS/BDS as well. The admission cutoffs are useful for aspirants to understand the marks they need to score for admission at the institute of their choice.

NEET Minimum Qualifying Percentile



Minimum Qualifying Percentile

Qualifying Scores

Number of candidates qualified

Unreserved (UR)

50th Percentile



Unreserved Physically Handicapped (UR-PH)

45th Percentile



Scheduled Caste (SC)

40th Percentile



Scheduled Tribe (ST)

40th Percentile



Other Backward Classes (OBC)

40th Percentile




40th Percentile




40th Percentile




40th Percentile






NEET Result 2020

NTA will declare the result of NEET 2020 on June 4. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check and download their result after logging in by entering their roll number and date of birth. The NEET 2020 result will be the basis for admissions into the All India Quota as well as the state-wise available MBBS and BDS seats. The result mentions the details of the candidates along with the marks obtained in total and subject wise, All India Rank and the qualifying cutoff for the various categories. Candidates must download their NEET score card cum result for future reference during counselling.

NEET Merit List 2020

NTA, the exam conducting authority is also entrusted with the responsibility to prepare the merit list of NEET 2020. After the declaration of result, the authority will compile a list of candidates who have qualified NEET 2020 based on which the counselling will be conducted for MBBS/BDS and AYUSH UG courses. Candidates can check the salient features of NEET 2020 merit list below.
    • NTA will prepare the merit list of NEET 2020 based on marks obtained.
    • The prepared NEET UG merit list will be provided to the counselling bodies for admission to MBBS, BDS and AYUSH courses.
    • The rank list will contain the data of NEET 2020 qualified candidates such as name, roll number, marks, All India Rank (AIR) and other required details.
    • This merit list will be given to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) to conduct the counselling for AIQ seats, deemed & central universities, ESIC, AFMC and central pool.
  • NTA will also provide this rank list to the counselling committees of the respective states for allotment of seats under 85% state quota seats and private universities.


NEET Reservation Criteria 2020

Government guidelines prescribe a certain reservation based on the caste and category of students. NEET 2020 reservation criteria describe the percentage of reservation entitled to each category for the seat allotment in the counselling process. Candidates can refer to the details below.

NEET 2020 Reservation Criteria


Reservation percentage

OBC (Other Backward Classes)


Scheduled Caste (SC)


Scheduled Tribe (ST)


Physically Handicapped (PH)


NEET Counselling 2020

The Counselling for NEET 2020 is of two types – All India and State wise. The All India NEET 2020 counselling will be held for 15% of the seats in all government colleges of the country as well as the prescribed quota under the Central Universities and 100% of the seats in deemed universities. State-wise NEET counselling 2020 will be held for the 85% of the remaining government seats as well as 100% of the seats in private colleges. All admissions are based on the NEET 2020 scores and ranks though state admissions may consider their merit ranks based on the NEET 2020 marks obtained by the students. It is to be noted that state counselling will be independent of the All India NEET 2020 counselling conducted by MCI. Also, students must meet the eligibility prescribed by the state such as domicile and study period in the state before applying.

The Counselling of NEET 2020 will generally have two rounds both for All India and State. Thereafter the mop-up round will be for vacant seats in deemed and central universities while any vacant government seats in the AIQ will fall back to the respective states. The state counselling, however, will have a mop-up round where admissions to the vacant seats will be considered.

Documents to be submitted for verification

  • NEET 2020 Admit Card
  • NEET 2020 Result
  • Class 10 certificate and mark sheet
  • Class 12 certificate and mark sheet
  • Domicile/ residence proof (only for states)
  • Photo ID
  • Any other as specified



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