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Total 346 Colleges available in Mumbai on . Parents and Students can compare the Fee Structure, Courses, Diploma & Certification. Parents can also check out the Campus Life and Infrastructure with the College Rank, Ratings & Reviews about the College in Mumbai. These Colleges are located in different locations of Mumbai so students can find the desired College according to their preferred location. Students can find a College’s placement record, facilities available, sports facilities etc. for their better development.
Patna, India | 4.00
Ministry of Health | Govt.of Bihar |
Paramedical | Nursing |
8 Courses
Sangrur, India | 5.00
INC | Govt.of Punjab | PNRC Mohali |
Nursing |
4 Courses
Noida, India | 4.00
AICTE | Ministry of HRD | |
Engineering | Management | Pharmacy | Nursing | Law | Sciences | Computer Applications | Commerce |
18 Courses
Showing 1–3 of 3 items